Summer Cleaning Tips: How to Keep Your Home Fresh and Cool

Maintaining a fresh and cool home during the hot summer months can be a challenge, but with the right cleaning and maintenance tips, you can create a comfortable oasis away from the sweltering heat. In this guide, we’ll explore essential summer cleaning tips, from air conditioner maintenance to dusting fans and decluttering. Follow these expert tips from Go 2 Girls Professional Home Cleaning Services to ensure your home stays clean, fresh, and cool all summer long.

The Importance of Summer Cleaning

Summer brings with it longer days, more sunlight, and higher temperatures. While these can be enjoyable, they also mean more dust, allergens, and the potential for an uncomfortable indoor environment. A thorough summer cleaning routine can help you:

  • Improve indoor air quality
  • Reduce allergens and dust buildup
  • Maintain efficient cooling systems
  • Create a more inviting and pleasant home environment

Air Conditioner Maintenance

One of the most crucial aspects of keeping your home cool in summer is ensuring your air conditioner is running efficiently. Here are some maintenance tips:

  • Clean or Replace Filters: Dirty filters can restrict airflow and reduce the efficiency of your air conditioner. Check the filters monthly and clean or replace them as needed.
  • Inspect the Unit: Look for any visible dirt or debris on the air conditioner unit and clean it off. Make sure the area around the unit is clear to allow for proper airflow.
  • Check the Thermostat: Ensure your thermostat is functioning correctly. Consider upgrading to a programmable thermostat to better control your home’s temperature and save energy.
  • Professional Maintenance: Schedule a professional maintenance check-up before the summer season to ensure your air conditioner is in top shape. A professional can identify and fix any potential issues before they become major problems.

Dusting and Cleaning Fans

Ceiling fans and portable fans are essential for circulating air and keeping your home cool. However, they can also accumulate dust and allergens, which can negatively impact air quality.

  • Dust Regularly: Use a microfiber cloth or duster to clean the blades of your ceiling fans and the grills of portable fans. Regular dusting can prevent the buildup of allergens.
  • Deep Clean Seasonally: At the start of the summer, give your fans a thorough cleaning. Remove the blades if possible and wash them with warm, soapy water. For portable fans, take apart the grill and clean the blades inside.

Decluttering for Better Airflow

Clutter not only makes your home look untidy but can also impede airflow and make it harder to keep your home cool.

  • Organize and Declutter: Go through each room and get rid of items you no longer need. Donate or recycle what you can, and store away items you won’t use until cooler seasons.
  • Optimize Furniture Placement: Ensure your furniture is not blocking vents or airflow paths. Arrange your furniture to promote better circulation of cool air throughout your home.

Seasonal Deep Cleaning Tasks

Summer is an excellent time to tackle some deep cleaning tasks that can help keep your home fresh and cool.

  • Clean Windows and Window Treatments: Dirty windows and blinds can block natural light and reduce the efficiency of your cooling efforts. Clean your windows inside and out, and wash or dust your blinds and curtains.
  • Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning: Carpets and upholstered furniture can trap dust and allergens. Consider having them professionally cleaned at the start of the summer to reduce allergens and improve indoor air quality.
  • Kitchen and Bathroom Maintenance: These areas can become breeding grounds for bacteria and mold, especially in the heat. Clean and disinfect your kitchen and bathroom thoroughly, paying extra attention to sinks, countertops, and tiles.

Outdoor Cleaning Tasks

Don’t forget about your home’s exterior. A clean and well-maintained exterior can help keep the inside cool and fresh.

  • Clean Gutters: Clogged gutters can lead to water damage and reduce the efficiency of your cooling systems. Clear out any debris to ensure proper drainage.
  • Patio and Outdoor Furniture: Clean your patio and outdoor furniture to create a pleasant outdoor space. Use a pressure washer to clean patios and a mild detergent for furniture.
  • Shade Your Home: Consider installing awnings or shade sails to block out some of the intense summer sun, which can help keep your home cooler.

Routine Cleaning Tips for a Fresh Home

Maintaining a regular cleaning schedule is key to keeping your home fresh all summer long.

  • Daily Tidying: Spend a few minutes each day tidying up. Put away clutter, wipe down surfaces, and take out the trash to prevent odors.
  • Weekly Cleaning: Set aside time each week for more thorough cleaning tasks, such as vacuuming, mopping, and dusting.
  • Monthly Maintenance: Schedule monthly maintenance tasks, like checking air conditioner filters, cleaning out the refrigerator, and deep-cleaning bathrooms.

Benefits of a Clean and Cool Home

Keeping your home clean and cool during the summer months offers numerous benefits:

  • Improved Comfort: A clean and cool home is more comfortable to live in, making it easier to relax and enjoy your summer.
    Better Health: Reducing dust, allergens, and bacteria can improve indoor air quality and contribute to better overall health.
  • Energy Savings: Efficient cooling systems and good airflow can help reduce energy consumption and lower your utility bills.
  • Enhanced Aesthetics: A clean and well-maintained home is more visually appealing and creates a positive environment.

By following these summer cleaning tips, you can keep your home fresh and cool throughout the hottest months of the year. Regular maintenance of your air conditioner, diligent dusting of fans, decluttering, and deep cleaning can make a significant difference in your home’s comfort and air quality. Embrace these practices to create a refreshing oasis that you and your family can enjoy all summer long. And remember, if you need help, give us a call and one of our professional cleaners will be happy to give you a hand!

The post Summer Cleaning Tips: How to Keep Your Home Fresh and Cool appeared first on Go 2 Girls.

Article source here: Summer Cleaning Tips: How to Keep Your Home Fresh and Cool

Spring Cleaning Redefined with Go 2 Girls Residential Home Cleaning Services

Spring is in full bloom and what better way to embrace this season of renewal than with a thorough home cleaning? Go 2 Girls’ Residential Home Cleaning Services is here to make your home sparkle this May. As the flowers bloom and the days grow longer, it’s the perfect time to refresh and rejuvenate your living spaces. Let’s explore how professional cleaning can transform your home this season.

Why Spring Cleaning Matters More This May

The arrival of May brings a sense of renewal and growth. As nature refreshes itself, so too should our living spaces. Spring cleaning isn’t just a tradition; it’s a powerful way to enhance your living environment, boosting both cleanliness and mental well-being.

  • Allergy Relief: Spring often flares up allergies. A deep home cleaning reduces allergens like pollen and dust, making your home a sanctuary of health.
  • Mental Clarity: A clean home reflects a clear mind. Decluttering and organizing during a spring clean can significantly reduce stress and enhance your mood.
  • Enhanced Aesthetics: Nothing beats the feeling of walking into a clean, fresh home. Our services ensure that every corner of your home looks impeccably neat and inviting.

Go 2 Girls’ Special Spring Cleaning Services

This May, Go 2 Girls offers specialized spring cleaning packages tailored to your needs. Here’s how we can help you refresh your home:

  • Deep Cleaning: We go beyond the surface. Our team tackles areas often overlooked during regular cleaning, like blinds, cabinet doors, baseboards and moldings.
  • Recurring Cleaning: Imagine relaxing at the end of the day and enjoying a clean, fresh and tidy home with a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly recurring cleaning service.
  • Customized Cleaning Plans: Every home is unique. We offer customized cleaning plans that cater to your specific needs and preferences.

Tackling High-Traffic Areas

High-traffic areas in your home can benefit greatly from a deep clean this May. Here’s what our Go 2 Girls team focuses on:

  • Living Room: We’ll dust and wet wipe light fixtures and ceiling fans within reach, window sills and window ledges, blinds, baseboards and moldings, pictures and decor, all furniture and more.
  • Kitchen: From the refrigerator to the pantry, we clean all appliances, surfaces, and floors, ensuring your kitchen is hygienic and tidy. Clean/sanitize countertops
  • Bathrooms: Our experts disinfect and clean showers, bathtubs, sinks, and toilets, leaving your bathrooms sparkling and germ-free. Clean/sanitize countertops

Preparing Your Home for Go 2 Girls Cleaning

To get the most out of our services, here are a few tips to prepare your home:

  • Declutter: Removing personal items and clutter makes it easier for our team to clean thoroughly.
  • Specify Areas of Focus: Let us know if certain areas need special attention or if there are items that require delicate handling.
  • Schedule Regularly: Consistency is key in maintaining a clean home. Consider scheduling regular cleaning to keep your home at its best.

FAQs About Home Cleaning Services

– How often should I get my home professionally cleaned?
For most homes, a monthly deep clean complements regular personal upkeep. However, homes with pets or children might benefit from bi-weekly services.

– Can I customize the areas you clean?
Yes, our cleaning plans are fully customizable. We focus on what’s important to you.

– What makes Go 2 Girls different from other cleaning services?
Our attention to detail, reliability, and personalized service set us apart.

Embrace the Cleanliness of May with Go 2 Girls

As May unfolds with its promise of warmth and growth, ensure your home mirrors this freshness with Go 2 Girls Residential Home Cleaning Service. Whether it’s a one-time deep clean or regular maintenance, our team is ready to transform your home into a pristine, peaceful haven. Call Go 2 Girls and get ready to enjoy a cleaner, healthier home this spring !

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Article source here: Spring Cleaning Redefined with Go 2 Girls Residential Home Cleaning Services

Breathe Easy During North Carolina’s Pollen Season: Expert Tips from Go 2 Girls Home Cleaning Service

Springtime in North Carolina is visually stunning yet challenging for residents due to the high pollen count. The state’s diverse flora, including oak, pine, and birch trees, begins to release pollen as early as February, with levels peaking in April and May. This fine yellow dust not only blankets outdoor surfaces but also infiltrates homes, affecting indoor air quality and exacerbating allergies. Understanding the types of pollen prevalent in the area and their impact on health and daily living is crucial for residents. For instance, tree pollen, particularly from the pine, is most visible and prevalent, but grass and weed pollens that follow can be just as troublesome for those with sensitivities. Recognizing the timeline and types of pollen can help homeowners prepare and respond effectively to minimize exposure and maintain a healthier indoor environment.

High-Efficiency Filters: Your Ally in the Fight Against Pollen

To combat indoor pollen effectively, integrating high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters into your home’s HVAC system is a game-changer. These filters are designed to capture particles as small as 0.3 microns, which encompasses the pollen size range, thereby significantly reducing the amount of pollen that circulates indoors. Upgrading to HEPA filters can dramatically improve the air quality in your home, offering relief to those suffering from allergies and respiratory issues. It’s recommended to replace these filters at least every three months during the pollen season to maintain optimal air filtration. Additionally, portable air purifiers with HEPA filters can be used in specific rooms, such as bedrooms, to provide an extra layer of protection against pollen.

Window Wisdom: A Clear View to Pollen Reduction

While opening windows to welcome the spring breeze is tempting, doing so can invite pollen into your home. Keeping windows closed during peak pollen times (usually mid-morning and early evening) is a simple yet effective strategy to reduce indoor pollen levels. For times when fresh air is desired, consider installing pollen-proof screens that can filter out pollen while allowing air to circulate. Additionally, regular cleaning of window sills and frames can prevent the accumulation of pollen that might otherwise be blown indoors. A damp cloth can effectively capture and remove pollen particles, reducing the likelihood of them circulating in your home’s air.

Tailoring Cleaning to Your Home’s Needs: Custom Strategies from Go 2 Girls

Every home has unique characteristics that can influence the best approach to managing pollen. Factors such as the presence of pets, types of flooring, and the home’s proximity to pollen-producing vegetation can all impact how pollen enters and accumulates within a space. Go 2 Girls Home Cleaning Service excels in assessing these individual factors and devising a tailored cleaning strategy that addresses your home’s specific challenges. Whether it involves focusing deep cleaning, regular cleaning or a customized plan ensures that efforts are focused where they are most needed, making your home a cleaner, healthier environment during pollen season. Go 2 Girls Home Cleaning Service is your partner in creating a clean, healthy, and happy home during the challenging pollen season and beyond. Visit the our Home Cleaning Services Page to learn more about how we can help keep your home clean and pollen free:

The post Breathe Easy During North Carolina’s Pollen Season: Expert Tips from Go 2 Girls Home Cleaning Service appeared first on Go 2 Girls.

Article source here: Breathe Easy During North Carolina’s Pollen Season: Expert Tips from Go 2 Girls Home Cleaning Service

7 Essential Tips for a Refreshing Spring Cleaning with Go 2 Girls

As the winter melts away and the first buds of spring start to appear, the urge to refresh and declutter our living spaces grows stronger. Spring cleaning is more than a tradition; it’s a chance to rejuvenate your home, clear out the old, and welcome the new season with open arms. However, tackling every corner of your house can feel overwhelming. That’s where Go 2 Girls comes in – your partner in transforming your home into a spotless sanctuary. In this article, we’ll explore seven essential tips for making your spring cleaning not just effective but enjoyable, with a little help from our cleaning experts.

1. Create a Detailed Cleaning Checklist – Before you dive into cleaning, it’s crucial to have a plan. A detailed checklist ensures you don’t overlook any areas and allows you to organize your tasks efficiently. From dusting ceiling fans to deep-cleaning your carpets, breaking down your tasks room by room can make the process more manageable.

2. Declutter Before You Clean – One of the keys to a successful spring cleaning is decluttering. Go through your belongings and decide what to keep, donate, or throw away. This not only makes cleaning easier but also gives you a sense of accomplishment and a cleaner, more organized space.

3. Focus on Areas Often Overlooked – Some areas of our homes don’t get much attention during regular cleaning sessions. Spring cleaning is the perfect time to focus on these spots, including behind appliances, windows, and under furniture. Go 2 Girls professionals know all the hidden spots that need extra attention.

4. Natural Cleaning Solutions – Opting for natural cleaning solutions can be beneficial for your health and the environment. Simple ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and lemon can be powerful cleaning agents.

5. Update Your Home with Simple Changes – Spring cleaning isn’t just about cleaning; it’s also an opportunity to refresh your living space. Simple changes like rearranging furniture, updating curtains, or adding new decorative elements can make a big difference in how your home feels.

6. Don’t Forget the Exterior – The exterior of your home deserves attention too. Cleaning gutters, washing windows, and decluttering your garage can significantly enhance your home’s curb appeal. Go 2 Girls offers services that extend beyond the interior, helping you improve the overall look and feel of your property.

7. Consider Professional Help – Sometimes, the best way to ensure a thorough spring cleaning is to enlist the help of professionals. Go 2 Girls offers a wide range of cleaning services, from deep cleaning to routine maintenance. Letting experts take care of the cleaning not only saves you time but also guarantees a spotless home.

Spring Cleaning FAQs:

Q: What is the best way to approach spring cleaning?
A: Start by making a comprehensive checklist and tackle one room at a time. Don’t hesitate to break big tasks into smaller, more manageable steps.

Q: How often should I deep clean my home?
A: It’s recommended to deep clean your home at least twice a year, with spring and fall being ideal times for a thorough cleaning.

Q: Can Go 2 Girls help with deep cleaning my home?
A: Yes, Go 2 Girls offers professional deep cleaning services. Go 2 Girls will detail your kitchen and bathrooms, hand scrub cabinets, baseboards, blinds and much more. So fresh and clean, your home will feel like new again!

Q: What makes Go 2 Girls different from other cleaning services?
A: Go 2 Girls combines professional cleaning expertise with a personal touch, offering customized cleaning plans tailored to your specific needs and preferences.

Spring cleaning is a refreshing tradition that offers a fresh start for your home and your life. With these essential tips and the expert assistance of Go 2 Girls, you can make this year’s spring cleaning the most effective and stress-free yet. Remember, a clean home is not just about appearance; it’s about creating a healthy and harmonious environment for you and your loved ones. Embrace the season of renewal with open arms and a clean home, thanks to Go 2 Girls.

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Article source here: 7 Essential Tips for a Refreshing Spring Cleaning with Go 2 Girls

Family-Friendly Valentine’s Day Cleaning Tips

Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love, not just for couples but for families too. It’s a day to cherish the love within the home, making it a cozy and welcoming space for everyone. Go 2 Girls, a professional residential cleaning service, offers family-friendly Valentine’s Day cleaning tips to help you celebrate love in a clean, organized home. Let’s dive into some practical, heartwarming cleaning tips that involve the whole family, turning chores into a celebration of love.

1. Declutter to Delight – A Family Affair: Kick off your Valentine’s preparations by decluttering together. Make it a fun family activity by setting a timer and seeing who can organize their space the fastest. A clutter-free home not only looks welcoming but also makes room for activities and decorations that bring joy and love into focus.

2. Engage All Senses for a Loving Atmosphere: A clean home is pleasing to the eyes and the nose! Use gentle, natural cleaners to freshen up your space, choosing scents that are calming and welcoming, like lavender or vanilla. Soft, freshly laundered throws and pillows invite cuddling and ensure comfort for movie nights or storytime.

3. Decorate with Love: After cleaning, it’s time to decorate! Let everyone in the family contribute by making homemade decorations or setting up a Valentine’s Day craft corner. Clean surfaces become the perfect canvas for heart-shaped crafts, photos of loved ones, and handmade valentines, adding a personal touch to your home’s ambiance.

4. Kitchen Clean-Up: Cooking Up Love: Involve the whole family in preparing a special Valentine’s meal or treats. A clean and organized kitchen invites participation. Assign tasks based on age and skill level, from stirring batter to setting the table. A family meal prepared in a clean kitchen is a labor of love and a delicious way to bond.

5. Sweet Dreams – Preparing Bedrooms for Cozy Nights: Ensure everyone’s bedroom is a cozy retreat by tidying up and adding special Valentine’s touches, like heart-shaped pillows or red and pink bedding. A well-organized and clean bedroom promotes peaceful sleep and sweet dreams of love and togetherness.

A Clean Home is the Heart of Family Celebrations: This Valentine’s Day, let the love you share as a family reflect in the cleanliness and warmth of your home. Engaging in cleaning and decorating together not only prepares your space for the day’s celebrations but also strengthens the bonds of love and cooperation among family members. Remember, Go 2 Girls is here to help make your home a beacon of love and warmth, where family memories are made and cherished.

Looking for more tips on maintaining a clean and happy home or need a helping hand? Reach out to us at Go 2 Girls for expert cleaning services that bring families together in clean, joyous homes.

The post Family-Friendly Valentine’s Day Cleaning Tips appeared first on Go 2 Girls.

Article source here: Family-Friendly Valentine’s Day Cleaning Tips

Embracing Cleaning Resolutions in the New Year

As the New Year unfolds, it’s time to embrace the tradition of setting resolutions, not just for ourselves but for our homes as well. Go-2-Girls, your trusted partner in maintaining a clean and harmonious living space, is here to guide you through the journey of New Year cleaning resolutions. Let’s make 2024 the year of fresh starts and spotless homes!

  1. Declutter to De-stress: A cluttered home can lead to a cluttered mind. Start your New Year by sorting through your belongings. Donate, recycle, or discard items you no longer need or use. This practice not only clears your space but also your mind, setting a positive tone for the year.
  2. Regular Deep Cleaning: While regular cleaning is essential, deep cleaning often gets overlooked. This year, make a resolution to schedule deep cleaning sessions. Whether it’s quarterly or bi-annually, Go-2-Girls can assist in ensuring every nook and cranny of your home sparkles, enhancing your living environment.
  3. Organize and Simplify: Invest time in organizing your living spaces. A well-organized home is easier to clean and maintain. Label storage containers, use drawer dividers, and allocate specific places for your items. A systematic approach to organization will simplify your cleaning routine.
  4. Create a Cleaning Schedule: Consistency is key. Create a cleaning schedule that works for you and your family. Whether it’s daily, weekly, or monthly tasks, a structured plan will help keep your home in top shape. Go-2-Girls can work with you to create a personalized cleaning calendar.
  5. Involve the Whole Family: Cleaning shouldn’t be a one-person task. Involve your family or housemates in the cleaning process. Assign age-appropriate chores to children and share responsibilities among adults. This not only lightens the workload but also fosters a sense of teamwork and responsibility.
  6. Take Advantage of Professional Help: Sometimes, professional help is needed to achieve the best results. Whether it’s for regular cleaning or special occasions, Go-2-Girls is ready to step in. Utilize professional cleaning services to ensure your home is always welcoming and comfortable.

New Year’s resolutions are all about positive changes, and what better way to start than by transforming your living space into a clean, organized, and serene environment. With these resolutions and Go-2-Girls at your service, you’re all set to make 2024 a year of cleanliness and tranquility in your home.

Remember, Go-2-Girls is more than just a cleaning service; we’re your partners in creating a home that you can be proud of and enjoy throughout the year.

Ready to start your New Year with a clean slate? request a quote and let us help you achieve your cleaning resolutions!

The post Embracing Cleaning Resolutions in the New Year appeared first on Go 2 Girls.

Article source here: Embracing Cleaning Resolutions in the New Year

Give the Gift of Clean with a Go 2 Girls Gift Card

As Christmas approaches, finding the perfect gift becomes a priority. This year, consider the unique and practical option of a Go 2 Girls gift card – a present that combines thoughtfulness with practicality, sure to be appreciated by your loved ones. Here’s why a Go 2 Girls gift card stands out as an excellent Christmas gift choice:

  1.  The Gift of Time: In our fast-paced lives, time is invaluable. A Go 2 Girls gift card gifts your loved ones a break from cleaning, giving them more hours to enjoy with family, indulge in hobbies, or simply unwind. The holiday season can be bustling and stressful. Offering a cleaning service gift card can help alleviate the burden of home maintenance, providing peace of mind and relaxation.
  2. Personalized and Flexible: Everyone has unique cleaning preferences. A gift card lets recipients choose services that suit their specific needs, whether it’s a thorough deep clean, regular upkeep, or special attention to certain areas. Recipients can schedule the cleaning at a time that works best for them, ensuring the gift fits effortlessly into their lives.
  3. Ideal for Anyone: For busy professionals, balancing work and personal life, a cleaning service can be a life-saver, offering a well-deserved break. New parents will particularly appreciate this thoughtful gift, as it gives them more time to focus on their newborn. Elderly family members will find this practical gesture helpful, easing their daily routines.
  4. Promotes a Healthy Home: A professionally cleaned home is a healthier environment. This is especially beneficial during the cold and flu season, ensuring a thoroughly sanitized living space.
  5. A Unique Gift: A cleaning service gift card is memorable and distinctive, offering a change from the usual clothes, gadgets, or chocolates.
  6. Supports Local Business: Choosing Go 2 Girls means supporting a local business, making a positive contribution to your community.
  7. Easy and Convenient to Purchase: Skip the holiday shopping frenzy. A Go 2 Girls gift card can be quickly bought online and sent directly to the recipient or to you.
  8. Long-Lasting Impact: The benefits of a clean home extend well beyond the cleaning day, leaving a lasting impression of comfort and tranquility.

A Go 2 Girls gift card is more than just a gift; it’s an expression of care, love, and empathy. It’s a way to say, “I value your time and well-being.” This Christmas, give a gift that truly keeps on giving – the gift of a clean, peaceful, and content home. Order your professional cleaning gift card here.

The post Give the Gift of Clean with a Go 2 Girls Gift Card appeared first on Go 2 Girls.

Article source here: Give the Gift of Clean with a Go 2 Girls Gift Card

Getting Ahead Now and Keeping Your House Clean for the Holidays

The holiday season is just around the corner and it’s time to start thinking about how to keep your house clean and organized. Whether you’re hosting the family for Thanksgiving or just want to create a festive atmosphere for your loved ones, keeping your house tidy and well-maintained is essential. In this blog post, we’ll share some tips for getting ahead now and keeping your home clean for the holidays.

Declutter and Organize: The first step to keeping your house clean is to declutter and organize. Start by going through each room and getting rid of any items that you no longer need or use. This will not only make your home feel more spacious, but it will also make it easier to keep clean. Once you’ve decluttered, it’s time to organize. Invest in some storage containers and shelving units to help keep your belongings in order.

Deep Clean: Once your house is decluttered and organized, it’s time to deep clean. Start with the areas that get the most traffic, such as the kitchen and bathrooms, and work your way through each room. Dust, vacuum, and clean surfaces thoroughly to ensure your home is spick and span. If you don’t have the time or energy to do a deep clean yourself, consider hiring a professional cleaning service like Go-2-Girls.

Create Cleaning Schedule: To keep your house clean, it’s important to create a cleaning schedule. This will help you stay on track and ensure that your home is always in tip-top shape. Assign tasks to each day, such as vacuuming on Mondays and cleaning bathrooms on Wednesdays. It’s also important to enlist the help of other family members and delegate tasks accordingly.

Decorate Minimally: While it can be tempting to go all out with holiday decorations, it’s important to keep in mind that excess decorations can make it harder to keep your house clean. Instead, you might opt for minimal decorations that still create a festive atmosphere. Choose a few statement pieces, such as a wreath on the front door or a string of lights, and keep the rest simple.

Stay Ahead of Messes: Finally, to keep your house clean for the holidays, it’s important to stay ahead of messes. Encourage family members to clean up after themselves and address spills and stains immediately. Keep cleaning supplies close at hand to make it easier to tackle messes as they happen.

Keeping your house clean for the holidays can be a daunting task, but with a little planning and effort, it’s definitely achievable. Declutter and organize, deep clean, create a cleaning schedule, decorate minimally, and stay ahead of messes. With these tips, you’ll be able to enjoy a clean and cozy home throughout the holiday season. And don’t forget, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, there’s no shame in enlisting the help of a professional cleaning service like Go-2-Girls.

The post Getting Ahead Now and Keeping Your House Clean for the Holidays appeared first on Go 2 Girls.

Article source here: Getting Ahead Now and Keeping Your House Clean for the Holidays

Move-In Cleaning Tips & Tricks

Moving into a new home is exciting, but it can also be stressful. You have to pack up your entire life, transport it to a new location, and then unpack it all over again. However, before you start unpacking, it’s important to give your new home a good clean. When you move into a new place, it’s likely that it hasn’t been deep cleaned in a while. With this in mind, we have put together some cleaning tips and tricks to help you get your new home sparkling clean before you start setting up your new life.

  1. Start with the Bathrooms: One of the first things you should do is clean the bathrooms. These are the rooms that are most likely to be used as soon as you move in, so it’s important to get them clean and hygienic. Start by cleaning the toilet, then move onto the sink, bathtub, and shower. Use a microfiber cloth and an all-purpose cleaner to wipe down all surfaces, including the walls, baseboards, and floors. Be sure to clean the toilet bowl thoroughly and don’t forget to clean the mirrors, too.
  2. Clean the Kitchen: After the bathrooms, the kitchen should be next on your list. Clean all cupboards, cabinets, and drawers inside and out, making sure to remove any crumbs, grease, or stains. Use a degreaser to clean the oven and stove and clean the insides of the refrigerator and freezer. Don’t forget to wipe down the countertops, sink, and backsplash with a clean microfiber cloth. Finish by sweeping and mopping the floors.
  3. Clean the Windows: It’s important to clean your windows so you can enjoy the view in your new home. Use a glass cleaner or a homemade solution of water and vinegar to clean the windows both inside and out. Wipe the windowsills, screens, and tracks with a damp cloth to remove any dirt and debris. For hard-to-reach windows, use a squeegee and a ladder to get the job done.
  4. Eliminate Any Odors: One of the most important things you can do is get rid of any unpleasant smells in your new home. Start by opening all the windows to let fresh air in. You can also use an air purifier to clean the air and remove any allergens. To get rid of any lingering smells, try placing bowls of vinegar around the house or sprinkle baking soda on your carpets, let it sit for a few hours and then vacuum it up.
  5. Hire a Professional Cleaning Service: Moving into a new home is a busy time, so it’s understandable that you might not want to spend all your time cleaning. Hiring a professional cleaning service like Go-2-Girls can help you get your home sparkling clean quickly and efficiently. We have the tools, experience, and expertise necessary to clean your home from top to bottom, leaving it ready for you to move in and start your new life.

Moving into a new home is a big undertaking, and it’s important to make sure your new place is clean before you start unpacking. By following our cleaning tips and tricks, you can make sure that your new home is clean, hygienic, and ready to be lived in. Whether you decide to tackle the cleaning yourself or hire Go-2-Girls, taking the time to deep clean your new home will make the entire moving process feel more like a fresh start.

The post Move-In Cleaning Tips & Tricks appeared first on Go 2 Girls.

Article source here: Move-In Cleaning Tips & Tricks

The Unbelievable Places Where Dust Can Hide

Cleaning is a non-ending cycle for moms and homemakers. The dust that gathers in our homes cannot be avoided. No matter how frequently you vacuum and dust, it keeps appearing. Dust accumulates in the most unexpected places, and it is sometimes difficult to detect and deal with it. Therefore, it is essential to have essential home cleaning hacks and tips that can simplify the process for you.

Air Ducts:

Most people inflict damage to their HVAC system when they forget to replace their air filters. Air ducts that are not regularly cleaned collect dust, which is then blown into the house by the HVAC system, spreading dust throughout your home. It is recommended that you replace your HVAC filters every three months and have regular professional maintenance done to prevent this.

Electronics Accumulate Dust:

Dust accumulates in the ports of your electronic devices as time goes by. The heat from these devices is drawn in, causing dust to get sucked into the ports. It can obstruct the fan and trigger your computer to overheat, resulting in a shorter lifespan. To keep the ports clean, use a soft-bristled brush and a compressed air duster regularly to clean them out.

Lampshades, Chandeliers, & Other Light Fixtures:

Light fixtures are one of the most overlooked areas of a home filled with dust, as they are out of our reach most of the time. Dust accumulates on top of lampshades, chandeliers, and light fixtures over time. Not cleaning them might not only affect the longevity of the light fixtures, but also reduce the lighting in your home. Use a soft-bristled brush, a microfiber cloth, or a soft sponge to dust them, or use a ladder and clean them with a damp cloth.

Carpets, Rugs, &  Upholstery:

A simple vacuum does not always get all the dust out of your carpets, rugs, and upholstery. Most of the time, the most dust-collecting spots are hidden deep within the fibers. Steam cleaning your carpets, will keep them fresh and dust free.  If you have pets, you may want to consider steam cleaning 2-4 times per year.


Having indoor plants is an easy way to add a touch of nature to your home. However, this doesn’t mean that they don´t need maintenance. Plants gather dust over time, which can harm them and cause some health issues for you and your family. You may keep the plants looking fresh and clean by wiping the leaves and stems with a damp cloth or spraying them with water. Moreover, it is important to repot the houseplants every two years to promote optimum growth.

Dust has always been pervasive and impossible to completely remove. However, by using our home cleaning hacks and tips, you’ll be able to significantly reduce the amount of dust that accumulates in your home. Having a clean home is not only crucial for your family’s health, but it also reduces stress and makes you feel good. Start cleaning out all those crazy places where dust can hide or call Go 2 Girls for a Deep Clean and you’ll quickly see how much your home has improved.

The post The Unbelievable Places Where Dust Can Hide appeared first on Go 2 Girls.

Article source here: The Unbelievable Places Where Dust Can Hide