The Unbelievable Places Where Dust Can Hide

Cleaning is a non-ending cycle for moms and homemakers. The dust that gathers in our homes cannot be avoided. No matter how frequently you vacuum and dust, it keeps appearing. Dust accumulates in the most unexpected places, and it is sometimes difficult to detect and deal with it. Therefore, it is essential to have essential home cleaning hacks and tips that can simplify the process for you.

Air Ducts:

Most people inflict damage to their HVAC system when they forget to replace their air filters. Air ducts that are not regularly cleaned collect dust, which is then blown into the house by the HVAC system, spreading dust throughout your home. It is recommended that you replace your HVAC filters every three months and have regular professional maintenance done to prevent this.

Electronics Accumulate Dust:

Dust accumulates in the ports of your electronic devices as time goes by. The heat from these devices is drawn in, causing dust to get sucked into the ports. It can obstruct the fan and trigger your computer to overheat, resulting in a shorter lifespan. To keep the ports clean, use a soft-bristled brush and a compressed air duster regularly to clean them out.

Lampshades, Chandeliers, & Other Light Fixtures:

Light fixtures are one of the most overlooked areas of a home filled with dust, as they are out of our reach most of the time. Dust accumulates on top of lampshades, chandeliers, and light fixtures over time. Not cleaning them might not only affect the longevity of the light fixtures, but also reduce the lighting in your home. Use a soft-bristled brush, a microfiber cloth, or a soft sponge to dust them, or use a ladder and clean them with a damp cloth.

Carpets, Rugs, &  Upholstery:

A simple vacuum does not always get all the dust out of your carpets, rugs, and upholstery. Most of the time, the most dust-collecting spots are hidden deep within the fibers. Steam cleaning your carpets, will keep them fresh and dust free.  If you have pets, you may want to consider steam cleaning 2-4 times per year.


Having indoor plants is an easy way to add a touch of nature to your home. However, this doesn’t mean that they don´t need maintenance. Plants gather dust over time, which can harm them and cause some health issues for you and your family. You may keep the plants looking fresh and clean by wiping the leaves and stems with a damp cloth or spraying them with water. Moreover, it is important to repot the houseplants every two years to promote optimum growth.

Dust has always been pervasive and impossible to completely remove. However, by using our home cleaning hacks and tips, you’ll be able to significantly reduce the amount of dust that accumulates in your home. Having a clean home is not only crucial for your family’s health, but it also reduces stress and makes you feel good. Start cleaning out all those crazy places where dust can hide or call Go 2 Girls for a Deep Clean and you’ll quickly see how much your home has improved.

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