Summer Cleaning Tips for your Home Interior

The kids might be taking a break for the summer- but warmer weather comes with its own set of unique cleaning and preventative habits. We’ll cover a few of the things you can do to get your home ahead of the game as we prepare for more foot traffic, higher temps and everything else that comes with the onset of Summer.


Dusting the ceilings (and ceiling fans) is a good habit to keep- especially in those seasons where the fans run more than in the others. An underrated amount of debris can build on the ceiling of your home. Adding kids or pets to the mix only accelerates how quickly the house can accumulate, dust, skin particles, and pet hair. Wipe down walls and ceilings with a slightly damp rag after dusting. Don’t use too much water. Not much is needed to accomplish the desired effect.

Freezer and Fridge

We clear our refrigerators year round, but sometimes we have to adjust our habits as temperatures rise. Condensation and heat make it easier for bacteria to build in the places we keep our food. When rotating leftovers and older groceries in and out of the fridge, wipe down your shelves with natural anti-bacterial solution or wipes. This attacks the spots where topical moisture and other buildup accumulate the most while being safe around your food.

Make sure freezer contents are secure so that bacteria doesn’t build up on and around exposed food. To further ensure a sanitary space, transfer frozen foods from cardboard boxes and ripped bags to sealable freezer bags and containers.

Bathroom surfaces

For the similar reasons the fridge and freezer need to see an increase in cleaning- we should also keep an eye on the room that deals with water and temperature changes on a daily, sometimes hourly basis – the bathroom! Depending on how often you use the tub, wipe it down after every use. Anti bacterial solutions and wipes designed specifically for bathroom use can be bought at a grocery or major hardware store.

If you have a separate shower, find yourself some antimicrobial spray that will prevent the build up of germs and residue. Wipe the shower head, nozzle and drain cover to keep the clean look in areas that get often dirtier faster.

Air Conditioning

In hotter seasons, air conditioning can be under a much greater load. The larger square vents you might find on the ceiling in the hallway house air filters. Each their own size depending on the home and location, these filters need to be changed regularly depending on the season. Allowing these to accumulate dust and pet hair reduces the efficiency of your system and, undue stress on the AC.   In the summer, we recommend swapping them out every couple of months.

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These tips will help keep your home safe, clean and as a result- more peaceful this summer. Check back in for more cleaning tips with Go2Girls and request a quote today!

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Go 2 Girls

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