Why Working Moms Need to Hire a House Cleaner

Working moms are always on the go and have less time keeping the house clean and tidy. They do not even have the time to have the “me time” because of so many things to do at home during the weekend or their day-offs.

Not everyone is skillful at house cleaning, especially a working mom. Utilizing the help of a house cleaner who can deep clean and can make your house spotless way cleaner than what you can do with just a little time that you have can do wonders for your overwhelming schedule

Here are some reasons why you should hire a house cleaner.

  1. Stressless and time for your body to have a break. – As you are a working mom, you juggle your time between work and home. If you hire a house cleaner, your body will thank you for the time you are giving yourself a break.

  1. More family and Me time. – You don’t have to worry about getting up late and giving yourself more time in bed because somebody else is doing that house chores for you. Instead of doing the laundry, mopping floors, and cleaning the bathroom, you are giving more family time and that much-needed ME time.

  1. Keep off dust and allergens. – If you are prone to allergies, hiring the help of a house cleaner can lessen your exposure to dust and allergens because someone else is doing that for you.

  1. The house will always look neat. – You don’t have to worry about keeping your place looking great because your cleaner comes on schedule to organize your house and keep it neat as possible.


  1. No more last-ditch cleaning – Last minute guests? No worries about last-minute clean-up because your home is simply maintained and well kept. All you must do is just a little bit of arranging things and dusting off – no major clean-up to do.

You will thank yourself for having hired one to help you clean your dwelling place.

The post Why Working Moms Need to Hire a House Cleaner appeared first on Go 2 Girls.

Article source here: Why Working Moms Need to Hire a House Cleaner

How to Make Your House Smell Fresh

One of our six senses is the smell. It is a gift that we should appreciate every day. How lovely it is to smell the flowers in the garden, the sea breeze, and the crisp spring smell in the morning,

The minute you walk into a clean, fresh-smelling home will give you the feel of a cozy atmosphere. And we are pretty sure that is what you want for you, your family, and your guests – to feel an ambiance of a comfortable, cozy home.

Sometimes we get so comfortable with the smell of our house and we get nose blind to smell that have mounted up for some time.

Get rid of that awful house odor from molds, smoke stench, funky smells from trash bins, dog beds, and other stuff. Make your house smell fresh all day long with these simple tricks.

  1. Moisture – one of the causes of house bad odors is moisture. Moisture is caused by a humid environment. You may want to try putting a humidifier in your house for added moisture.

  1. Vacuum the carpets – Carpets can accumulate dust that may cause that unpleasant smell in your house. Vacuum and shampoo carpets and let them dry fully.

  1. Wash your fur friend’s bed and blanket. – Yes, regularly wash your fur baby’s bed and blanket. Use pet odor removal products to keep your sofa, fur baby’s bed, blanket, carpet, and rug odor-free.

  1. Clean and open the fridge. – Regularly clean your fridge and toss away old, expired, moldy condiments and food sitting in your fridge – for ages. Remove shelves, soak them in hot water with dish soap. Scrub the interior with food-safe cleaners. Use baking soda as this neutralizes the odor inside the refrigerator.

  1. Open the windows – Open windows as much as possible to bring in the fresh air and get a cross breeze.

  1. Activated charcoal filter – you may want to hang activated charcoal filters in small bags in places that stink. Activated charcoal absorbs unpleasant smells in the area where it is hanged.

  1. Air freshener – Spray air freshener or light a scented candle to make your house smelling crisp and fresh but do away with strong scents. Not because you are using a strongly scented air freshener means your home will now smell fabulous. Not all people can tolerate strong fragrances. You may also want to use essential oils in a diffuser.

The post How to Make Your House Smell Fresh appeared first on Go 2 Girls.

Article source here: How to Make Your House Smell Fresh