Essential Cleaning Tips For Pet Owners

Furry friends like dogs and cats bring joy to every home, though they also produce dirt, hair, and unwanted stains. We love our pets, but every homeowner wants their place to be clean, tidy, and free from foul odors. What to do? This isn’t a new dilemma. There are plenty of tips to keep a pet-friendly, clean home. Keep reading and learn essential hacks that every beginner pet owner should know.

Invest in cleaning tools

You already spend a considerable amount of money on your pet’s food, toys, and medical treatments. Still, it’s also true that cleaning fur, dirt, and other messes every day is exhausting and time-consuming. Therefore, investing in durable and useful cleaning tools is a smart choice, especially when there are many commercial options for all kinds of budgets.

  • Lint roller

One of the essential cleaning tools you must own (even if your pet isn’t the shredding type) is an affordable lint roller. This tool can practically pick up hair from almost any surface, and it’s great for those unexpected friends’ visits when you don’t have time to clean. They are great for cleaning throw pillows, lampshades, and furniture.

  • Rubber gloves

This is a little trick that will work as effectively as the lint roller. Put your gloves on, dampen them slightly, and let the fur and hairs stick to the rubber. You can use your finger to reach corners that a lint roller can’t touch.

  • Vacuum robot

If you have a bigger budget, don’t waste time and purchase a vacuum robot now. After many years on the market, these vacuum cleaners are more affordable than ever, and surely you’ll find one that matches your needs. Vacuum robots pick up hair, dust, and dirt, so even if your pet doesn’t shed too much fur, this tool will be pretty helpful for your daily home routine.

Cover up!

Beginner pet owners can’t ignore the many benefits of easy-care throws. Why? Because having a pet at home means you’ll have a constant urge to cover up everything, especially your comfy couches. If your pet has chosen a few nap spots, cover those up with washable sheets. Just by doing this, you will prevent foul odors, scattered fur on the floor, and potential stains. When your furry friend is away, pick up the throw and toss it on the washing machine.

You can apply the same principle in many other situations, like making a bandana for your dog to avoid messes while eating or covering your doors with sheet plastic to prevent cat scratches.

Green cleaning products are your friends

Cautious pet owners always look for the sign “safe for pets” on every cleaning product. Make sure the substances you use don’t harm your beloved dog or cat, and one excellent way to achieve this is by using natural products like baking soda and essential oils.

  • Baking soda

The quintessential, multipurpose cleaner. Baking soda is an essential product that everyone has in the cupboards, but it’s so useful that you’ll buy boxes of it every week. First of all, baking soda has deodorizing properties that will eliminate bad odors, either in your dog’s nap spot or cat’s litter box.

  • Essential oils

Refreshing the smell of your home also could have soothing benefits for your pet. Lavender-scented essential oils are said to have calming effects on dogs and function as a repellent for fleas and ticks. You can apply some oil regularly between the shoulder blades of your dog and see the results.

  • White vinegar

Like baking soda, white vinegar has deodorizing properties, and also it can mildly disinfect surfaces. You can use it to make a homemade urine cleaner, just add water and baking soda and shake the mix in a spray bottle. Apply this solution to the urine stain and wait 10 minutes before scrubbing.

Brush, clean, trim

Taking care of your pet’s paws is another mandatory task every pet owner should embrace. If you skip this duty, your home could end up covered with little, muddy footprints. Always keep your paw cleaning tools close, like a large towel by the door. Also, don’t forget to trim their nails to avoid unwanted scratches on your furniture. And last but not least, brush their fur regularly to reduce your vacuuming chores.

These were our pet-friendly home cleaning tips. What do you think? Do you think you can manage? If you need a little help with your home chores, call Go 2 Girls and book one of our professional cleaning services. Please request a quote on our website.

The post Essential Cleaning Tips For Pet Owners appeared first on Go 2 Girls.

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